AEGIS finserv Remembering & Honoring Those Who Served

Fintech partner banks facing 'volatile mix' of supervisory scrutiny
Federal regulators have taken a sharper look at bank partnerships with financial technology firms in recent months, a shift that has resulted in a surge in publicly disclosed enforcement activity










AegisFS, Miami’s best Prepaid Card and Private Label concept provider is proud and pleased to announce their collaboration with Law Enforcement & Technology Federal Credit Union with their national “Thin Blue Line” Credit & Debit Cards
Proceeds benefit the Fallen Survivors Fund to help families move forward as their loved one was killed while on Duty. Chairman Jim Angleton who is the acting CEO for LE&T was the person behind conceptualization and MasterCard will be the Brand of Choice. More on these stainless steel, sleek Cards that do so much and offer more programs than others.




Finding tech talent in Miami is not easy
According to AegisFS President Jim Angleton, as quoted in todays Miami Herald,. technology education provided by some Florida universities are deficient. For many local students applying for high-paying technology jobs, the curriculum provided locally needs interaction from trade leaders.
Cyber Attacks are on the Rise, Everyone is Vulnerable.
CyberEYES Protects & Defends
AWe provide training, Emergency Compliance Manuals, external stress testing of software, introduce more security protocols to ensure fail-safe options. Contact Jim Angleton, President of Aegis FinServ Corp.
AegisFS CyberEYEs Protects & Defends


AEGIS Fin Serve reserve this special day of remembrance for those who have valiantly served our Arm Forces. Some made it back, were in harm’s way and wounded for life. Others were not so lucky and their family members suffer the loss daily,and offer a crisp salute in your honor. God Bless America and our people who served.


OFAC ‘Open’ to Limited Transfers of Digital Currency for Humanitarian Aid
U.S. officials may consider licensing cryptocurrency transfers for humanitarian purposes in Venezuela and other jurisdictions, the head of the U.S. Treasury Department’s sanctions branch said.
By Daniel Bethencourt
A Day after paying Ransomware, …now what?
According to AegisFS President Jim Angleton: "The chances of being hacked in today's Pandemic, work from home environment has increased by 200% and we expect more waves of cyber intrusion before the end of 2020.
Never before have we seen a global pandemic disrupt Commerce and it’s Domino Affect of Economic Slow Downs
According to AegisFS President Jim Angleton, Bankers are caught in the middle of Covid Virus Pandemic business slow down, National Emergency Declarations and dealing with Regulators following the letter of the law.
How long does foreclosure take?
Despite how life-altering it can be, not every state allows foreclosures on properties to happen right away.
Home foreclosures can take a few months or years depending on state laws and uncertainty of times
10 U.S. Cities with the Worst Traffic [& Hours Lost]
None of us likes to be stuck in traffic. And sadly, Americans are spending an increasing amount of their lives stuck behind the wheel in congestion, especially in these cities.
Why Is My Credit Card Blocked
Your credit card can be blocked for a variety of reasons. In many cases, there's no reason to panic. Jim Angleton, president of financial services company Aegis Finserv Corp., adds that unusual spending, high-risk behavior, can also prompt a credit card block.
NOTICE: US Cities Targeted for Ransom Cyber Attack.
AegisFS to the Rescue
Hacking, ransom attacks, weak firewalls, old, outdated systems, internal attacks by disgruntled employees…are among the many cyber attacks facing many major US cities. Our team of Cyber, Engineers, Law Enforcement, Military, Tradecraft Professionals provides Top Cyber Threat Intelligence, scouring the Dark-Deep-Surface Webs for targeted attacks.
Better Business Growth, Superior Customer Service & More: How a Call Center Benefits Your Business
AegisFS President Jim Angleton likes the idea of implementing an international strategy for his products and services – and his outsourced call center delivers every time
The limitations around using payment app systems
Professional-on-the-Go podcast interviews Jim Angleton, President and CEO of Aegis FinServ Corp to discuss whether or not independent service professionals should use Venmo payment app for their business.
Segment available through the following link: https://www.spreaker.com/user/11226745/venmo-for-business
The Do's and Don'ts of Choosing an Online Reputation Manager
Jim Angleton from AEGIS FinServ Corp explains how to go about choosing an effective Online Reputation Manager to address things that make up a business's online reputation with a strategy for removal of adverse content
Decoding Digital Marketing:
What Is Online Reputation Management ? ( ORM )
AegisFS CyberEYES™ Social Media Reconnaissance offers ORM Reputation & Risk Management.
Aegis President Angleton interviewed and provides a look at ORM
The Best Perks Small Businesses Can Offer Employees
Carol Roth picks 60 Top National Business Leaders how they show appreciation to their Associates/Employees.
AegisFS President Jim Angleton tells how the company shows their appreciation
CEOs offer solutions to help alleviate Miami’s racial wealth gap
Jim Angleton believes the education system and cultural differences need to come together and help keep many wonderful minds from being wasted and potential not realized

The U.S. Treasury Department disclosed its first enforcement
action against a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchanger
A California man was fined $35,000 for violating the Bank Secrecy Act
and barring him from transmitting funds and “willfully” failing to register as a money services business
CEOs were asked: What can or should be done to address persistent racial wealth gap in Miami?
Jim Angleton, CEO for Aegis FinServ Corp. discusses the barriers to wealth building faced by the minority community and its possible solutions
CEOs were asked: Would you be in favor of a single payer system?
If not, what’s your suggestion?
Jim Angleton cautions, while there’s is plenty of room for improvement, single payer system is not the answer and offers his own possible resolutions
Is todays job market as good as it’s going to get?
In view of recent financial indicators, Jim Angleton, CEO of Aegis FinServ Corp, makes predictions as to future health of the jobs market
CEO’s undecided on encouraging marijuana sales in Florida
Jim Angleton explains how AEGIS Finserv Corp is working to overcome government financial regulatory problems to help increase tax revenue and cut down on criminal activities
Positive or Negative Info?
Who’s controlling your online reputation
Aegis FinServ Corp discusses your online content and how Search Engine Optimization can affect how the world views you or your business
Making state funds available for affordable housing is the right move now
James Angleton addresses the topic that community and financial organizations should work in harmony on the issue of affordable housing
CEOs were asked: How should Miami and South Florida react after missing the mark as an Amazon HQ2
CEOs, including Jim Angleton, address the problems with talent, transportation and corporate issues leading to Miami and South Florida’s 2nd place status
Most CEOs agree,Technologies led to significant changes in Corporate America during 2018
AEGIS CEO James Angleton advises constant vigilance and observance on the effect technologies have on market trends

CEOs agree that salaries will be on the rise for 2019
Jim Angleton explains that pay increases for top performing talents, also includes non monetary benefits
Most CEOs are in job growth mode for 2019 with plans of more hirings
Jim Angleton, CEO of Aegis Finserv Corp. considers various hiring opportunities for the local community and beyond in 2019
Miami Herald asks CEOs’ to predict their financial forecast for the year ahead
Despite high consumer confidence,
Jim Angleton predicts possibile economic instability during the remainder of 2019
CEOs’ explain how their companies are attracting ‘Generation Z’
Jim Angleton describes the steps AEGIS FS services has taken to accommodate the needs and desires of its Gen Z customers
Thinking of refinancing?
An ARM may not make the most sense
The days of 3 % interest rates for fixed-rate mortgages are gone, but Jim Angleton, president of Miami-based AEGIS FinServ Corp., said that he does not recommend ARMs for any borrowers.
What you need to know before buying out a business partner
Most business partnerships end for one of two reasons: Either one partner wants to retire, move, or accept a new job.
Jim Angleton suggests focus on finding a win-win solution
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Aegis FinServ presented with prestigious financial award
Aegis FinServ has been selected as Best Company in America and acknowledged as Expert Contributor to the Finance Industry”. Serving the Banking & Finance Industry for more than 35 years.
Miami Herald asks: Should financial institutions reach more ‘unbanked’ people?
Jim Angleton and other CEOs were asked what percent of households in South Florida they felt were unbanked in 2017
Tech scene throughout South Florida is building momentum
CEOs were asked:How do you see Miami’s attempts to upgrade its economy with high-end professional services and technology
CEOs were asked their top workforce challenges for 2019
Jim Angleton of AEGIS FinServ Corp. along with other major CEO’s outline their biggest challenges and creative strategies looming ahead for the new year and beyond
Top 20 Ways to Increase Your Business Line of Credit
We spoke with the experts who shared the different ways to increase your business line of credit.
Let Jim Angleton, of AEGIS FinServ Corp show you how
12 - 13 - 18
Do It Yourself not always the best for business
Tired of Do It Yourself , unable to reach a Representative? AegisFS believes our Clients deserve White Glove Personalized Concierge Services w/o extra costs
12- 11 - 18
Recession ahead?
CEOs are divided on signs. AegisFS CEO answers this weeks question
AegisFS President Jim Angleton makes predictions for upcoming economic markets
Miami Herald asks CEOs’ What’s the biggest influence on their careers?
Jim Angleton explains what he considers the biggest factors and influences that lead to a successful career
11 - 15 - 18
Traveling abroad?, Before you leave home, make sure your credit card is prepared for the trip
The best credit cards for international travel have no foreign transaction fees, chip technology and worldwide acceptance. But what's the right travel card for you?
11- 14 - 18
14 Great Gift Ideas for Impoverished Friends and Relatives
We decided to ask a network of financial experts for some advice on the best gifts for friends and family who are struggling financially and desperately need money
11 - 13 - 18
Meet the newest members of our CEO Roundtable
Miami Herald CEO Roundtable picks AegisFS President Jim Angleton to their lineup of qualified Business Leaders
Niche Corner of US Cryptocurrency Industry May Qualify as MSBs
Are cryptocurrency exchanges in the US verifiable money services businesses?
Jim Angleton, president of Aegis FS in Miami asks, “or are they merely playing with the dictionary”
7- 19 - 18
Business Intelligence not just for Banks
Aegis FinServ Corp provides outstanding due diligence and KYC plus data collection for Banks.
Now: Law Firms, Businesses, Accountants and Governments have ordered information data from the firm to satisfy internal requirements and address security concerns
7 - 1 - 18
AEGIS Finserv considering opening new call center in Miami
Jim Angleton, president of Miami-based Aegis Finserv Corp. is considering his home market for two financial services call centers, creating hundreds of new jobs, but outside markets are strongly in the running
6- 23 - 18
Branchless Bank, FinTech & Union Solutions
Banks in the US are slowly realizing their ATMs are outdated. AegisFS offers revolutionary ATM-Kiosk solutions, servicing the needs of Old-School-New-School Consumer
4 - 21 - 18
Listen to radio interview with Jim Angleton on keeping yourself and your online identity Cyber Secure
4 - 20 - 18
Could Your Hotel Room Be Bugged? Here's How to Check
According to Jim Angleton, security and safety are easily at risk anytime you enter a space where somebody else has had access prior to your arrival.
4- 3 - 18
IRS Tax Liens no longer reported to Credit Repositories
As Clients require complete background Due Diligence prior to decision making, Jim Angleton states The AegisFS KYCustomer Registry™ will continue to report Judgements, Liens and Tax Liens
3 - 27 - 18
US Lawsuit Claims Offshore Trusts Helped Alleged Fraudster Steal Bitcoins
Jim Angleton discusses the legal problems and regulatory issues for individual cryptocurrency investors, transferring their assets away from offshore entities
3- 26 - 18
Forget the Whitepaper: What ICO Investors Should Really Look For
Jim Angleton, President of Aegis FinServ Corp gets into the long and complex process when underwriting investments in blockchain entities
2 - 13 - 18
Electronic Payments & Processing E-style
While businesses are complaining about high processing costs via Electronic Payment & Streams, AegisFS takes a deeper look at alternatives
12 - 25 - 17
South Florida Voters Reflect One Year After The Presidential Election
Despite a peaceful transition between 44 presidents, Jim Angleton offers why there has never been a president-elect quite like Donald Trump
11- 3 - 17
The New ID Verification Landscape.
Are you Prepared?
Experian had been hacked and millions of ID's possibly compromised
AegisFS The KYCustomer Registry (tm) was developed for our Debit Card Services ID verification, to look at more than Drivers Licenses, Passports, Credit/Utility Bills and Phone Records.
11 - 2 - 17
Banks of the Future? May not be...
With 30 years banking experience, Jim Angleton asks have Banks, Credit Unions & NFI's missed their golden opportunities to meet the needs of the Future?
8 - 14 - 17
CyberEYES™ by AEGISFinServ commended as a memorable and invaluable new service
Stops hacking attempts on computers and networks, often identifying the hackers and their location while monitoring false social media posts about you or your business
9 - 5 - 17
5 Subtle Signs That Your Retail Store Is in Trouble ( and What to Do About Them)
Jim Angleton, President at AEGIS FinServ Corp™ offers insight into checking the health of your retail operation
8 - 22 - 17
FinTech-2-Bank and then Banks-2-FinTech
It's a new day and Banks have now softened up to the new shift in the Financial Community.
In this piece we look at how Banks can Organically Grow by cozying up to FinTech.
8 - 16 - 17
An interview with Jim Angleton of Aegis FinServ Corp about challenges tech companies face trying to reach their target clients.
“Due to rising levels of cyber threat, corporate cyber espionage and trolling corporations or their executives requires the need to ‘watch your back’ and CyberEYES™ does just that.”
7 - 29 - 17
Everything you need to know about reporting Cyber Attacks and Ransom Requests.
When meeting potential Clients to discuss cybersecurity and cyber-deterrence, the questions thereafter lead to: should we report this to Law Enforcement?
7 - 17 - 17
30 Clever & Fun Ways To Thank Your Customers
Jim Angleton of Aegis FinServ Corp describes a sure fire way of showing appreciation to customers, month after month
7 - 12 - 17
CFPB: Consumer to have their day in Court
CFPB has issued their Final Ruling regarding forced Arbitration Clauses.
The US Consumer just won their day in Court and forced Arbitration Clauses are prohibited...so says Section 1028(b) of Dodd Frank
6 - 20 - 17
Banks, Law Firms, Accountants & Businesses need Cybersecurity Insurance
Many Small Banks, Law Firms, ISO's and Accounting Firms were unprepared relating to Cyber and Business Insurance Coverage, resolved to losing 10-15% income from cyber theft.
6 - 10 - 17
List of Ransomware Attacks, Attackers and Vulnerabilities. Are you ready?
Jim Angleton warns of the various tools and methods cybercriminals use to gain access to your computer using Ransom Virus Hack Attacks.
5 - 16 - 17
A New Age for The Business Diplomat
New Age for the Business Diplomat Tactful Strategies fka Business Diplomacy has become more important during fragile times for Commerce.
5 - 9 - 17
Are you aware of what the Credit & Information Repositories say about you or your Company online?
Jim Angleton details how Wrongful Bank Reporting affects unsuspecting Consumers requiring deep remediation assistance.
5 - 8 - 17
Charter Impasse Between State and Federal Regulators Leaves Fintechs in the Dark
Dozens of fintech firms are delaying their applications for special-purpose banking charters from the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency after state officials filed a civil complaint seeking to block the federal regulator, say sources.
5 - 2 - 17
15 ways to make meetings more productive
Business and HR experts share their top tips on what managers can do to improve meeting attendance and make them more constructive.
4 - 24 - 17
Analysis of Bank Regulatory Violations & Consumer Complaints
We evaluated consumer complaints and regulatory violations to see how retail banks in the U.S. stack up.
Due to the nature of what they do, banks and financial institutions in the United States are held to high scrutiny. We analyzed data on tens of thousands of consumer complaints as well as settlements and financial penalties for America’s 50 largest retail banks by asset size.
4 - 24 - 17
Blockchain Tracker: Good For Governments?
There’s been chatter about 2017 being the year that blockchain sees the most government regulation.
“2017 is going to be the year when operationalizing of blockchain really starts to move from the hype and the headlines to a real business solution for early adopters in many industries,” said Laura Crozier, global industry director at Software AG, an end-to-end digital business platform.
And at the same time, experts say this could be the year for blockchain to be adopted into government activities to benefit taxpayers, voters, and other aspects and levels of the entire U.S. government structure.
4 - 24 - 17
Why Cybersecurity Should Be Your No 1 Priority
Experts comments on the greatest threats to your online privacy and cyber security today, and how to defend yourself for the future.
4 - 24 - 17
Stop. Drop. And Read This Before Becoming a Co-signer.
The pitfalls are many. The pain could last for years. But if you insist, some tips for good outcome.
There are many reasons to consider cosigning a loan.
Know what you're signing up for.
3 - 30 - 17
How to Keep Restaurant Customers From Leaving When There’s a Line
A line creates good buzz but can also turn potential guests away.
Good things come to those who wait. Unfortunately, many restaurant patrons aren’t willing to. Lines at your restaurant can mean business is booming, which shows passers-by that your place is popular.
How can you keep customers from leaving to go somewhere else?